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Back to Basics – Step 3: Confirming your Post-Close Operating Model

BTD Consulting

You can already feel the energy and momentum building. But unlike previous deals, you’re ahead of the game: You have an agreed, clear set of deal and integration objectives to guide your post-close efforts. Get this step right, and you’ll enter your next deal well prepared. Not bad for a 20-page document!

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BTD Consulting

Deal negotiations are all-but complete. There is a set target date for deal completion. To those who claim that a 100-day deadline generates energy and momentum, I respectfully disagree: Project plans don’t generate momentum, leaders do. Preparations for managing the transaction are underway.

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Back to Basics – Step 7: Day 1 & Change of Control

BTD Consulting

Dune , 1965, Frank Herbert) Deal negotiations are all-but complete. To those who claim that a 100-day deadline generates energy and momentum, I respectfully disagree: Project plans don’t generate momentum, leaders do. You can access the entire set of posts and podcasts in this ‘back to basics’ series here.