Sat.Sep 04, 2021 - Fri.Sep 10, 2021

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Five Reasons Why Strategy is Vital

Remarkable Partnerships

Somerset Maugham once said, “We live in uncertain times.” As we emerge from the pandemic it is essential that leaders plot a clear path ahead. Strategy has never been so important. Oxford Languages defines strategy as follows, “A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.”

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Partnerships: A Dynamic New Customer Acquisition Channel for Retailers and eCommerce in Southeast Asia


The retail and ecommerce sectors have seen significant growth as many consumers have shifted from in-store to online shopping throughout the pandemic. This is especially evident in Southeast Asia.

Retail 52

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Tips on Managing a Grant and Scholarship Program

Partners Preceptors

By: Lindsey Rowan Now that you’re an expert in launching a new grant or scholarship after reading my previous blog four years ago, I suspect you have quite a few to manage. Perhaps you now have an official grant and scholarship program with more than 10 opportunities as our 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization does.

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Top eCommerce Live Chat Outsourcing Agencies, Services, Providers & Companies

Jake Jorgovan

With top eCommerce sites like Amazon blazing the trail to personalized customer experiences, online shoppers are impatient with poor website customer experiences. Because of sites that use smart technology for personalized experiences, consumers have been taught to expect similar interactions with other eCommerce sites like yours. They expect fast, personalized service, and if they don’t get it, they will go someplace else and you’ll lose the sale.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Internal Strategic Alliance Definition

Peter Simoons

Tip 18: Create an Internal Strategic Alliance Definition. As mentioned in the previous post , clear communication is the cornerstone towards the success of your partnership. Part of the art of clear communication is using terms that you and your partner, in theory, both understand and have a clear definition of. All too often, we assume that your understanding of a term is also their understanding of the same term.

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Tips on Managing a Grant and Scholarship Program

Partners Preceptors

By: Lindsey Rowan Now that you’re an expert in launching a new grant or scholarship after reading my previous blog four years ago, I suspect you have quite a few to manage. Perhaps you now have an official grant and scholarship program with more than 10 opportunities as our 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization does.

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The Mindset for Partnership Prospecting

Stellar Partnerships

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t- you’re right”. Henry Ford. Were you watching the Olympics and Paralympics? I’ve been in awe of the skills, dedication and sheer grit of the athletes competing. The world was looking forward to seeing Simone Biles, the USA gymnast, add to her cabinet of gold medals. But something went awry.

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The Benefits of Moving to a Digital Subscription Business Model

Channel Insider

The technology market moves in cycles, and one of the most extended cycles has been moving from a subscription model to sales of hardware and software and, most recently, back again. Both models have advantages: the sales model is more tactical, and the subscription model is more strategic. This move back to a subscription model begs the question: Why we started with this model, why we moved away from it, and then the drivers and benefits for moving back.

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How To Win In a ‘No Normal’ Selling Landscape


There’s little question in anyone’s mind that “no normal” is a good description of the radical and evolving changes we’re seeing in the sales landscape. In B2B sales, it’s a time to look closely at how to win – especially in turbulent conditions.

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Maximize Productivity and Simplify IT Management with Conversational AI

ChatGPT has dominated boardroom conversations for months now. From drafting a stock trading program, to creating a SQL query to model data, there are practically no limits to the applications of the AI language model assistant. At ManageEngine, we have been working on our own AI-assistant, Zia. Zia is a fully-trained analytics assistant that can perform a range of functions such as creating and adding reports to dashboards, providing conversational support to data analysis, insight discovery, bu

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Tips on Managing a Grant and Scholarship Program

Partners Preceptors

By: Lindsey Rowan. Now that you’re an expert in launching a new grant or scholarship after reading my previous blog four years ago, I suspect you have quite a few to manage. Perhaps you now have an official grant and scholarship program with more than 10 opportunities as our 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization does. So, now what? How do you manage the copious and consistent marketing objectives and submission deadlines that hit at all different times throughout the year?

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Key Business Snapshot: US & Argentina


With a longstanding relationship of deep economic ties, United States stands as Argentina’s third most important trading partner of goods & services, with trade volume amounting to more than $16bn in 2020. As one of its main exports to the US, Argentine wine exporting firms have leverage in terms of quality, technology adoption and long string of acquired knowledge to further develop the US market for their products.

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Oh Yes You Can Sell AppDev – Even Without AppDev Expertise

Channel Insider

One of those core questions every MSP should be asking all the time is, “What can I do to grow more business?” The funny thing is that the answers are all around us. As a “channel insider” you may also be wondering how valid it is to call ourselves a “channel” anymore. For some the mission is still to move a product from a manufacturer to a distributor to themselves to their customer.

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5 Key Sales Trends To Boost Growth For 2021


Are you searching for the best ways to boost growth in 2021? If so, you want to have more high-quality leads, warm introductions, timely opportunities…to close more deals.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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Two Real-World Stories: Cultivating a Single Source of Truth

Planview Blog

How does a large enterprise cultivate a single source of truth across teams, departments, continents, and solutions? Planview enlisted not one, but two global Fortune 500 customers to tell their transformation stories during a “ Fireside Chat: Power of Having One Single Source of Truth.” Each company is a trailblazer in evolving PPM to meet stakeholder needs and achieve strategic objectives.

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10 Project Management Methodologies To Implement

ClearPoint Strategy

Have you ever initiated a project you were sure would be a huge success, but that never reached its potential because deadlines were missed and budgets were busted? This is where the value of good project management becomes clear. Having a structure in place to launch and complete projects that align with your strategic plan is critical to achieving your goals.

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Best Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services for SMBs

Channel Insider

First there was endpoint detection and response (EDR). The idea was to secure all endpoints – PCs, laptops, tablets, servers – against threats. However, the field became so complex and involved so many technologies that small businesses struggled with implementation, maintenance, and operations. Enter managed detection and response (MDR) as an outsourced service to provide these organizations with a wide range of protection and threat hunting services.

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Why Sales Enablement Gives You Competitive Advantage


In a rapidly changing environment, sales teams need to have the best tools, training, and support. It’s not a complicated concept.

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The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Over two-thirds of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold sellers to a high standard, and that means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver.

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Nutanix’s Christian Alvarez on Establishing Channel KPIs

The 2112 Group

Christian Alvarez, senior vice president of worldwide channel sales and all routes to market at Nutanix, joins Channelnomics’ Changing Channels host Larry Walsh to talk about creating meaningful and contextual channel key performance indicators (KPIs). A common challenge among channel professionals is proving the relative worth of partner programs and productivity.

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Frost & Sullivan Reveals the Top 10 Global Economic Trends Shaping the Growth Prospects in 2021 and 2022

Frost & Sullivan

In an upcoming webinar, discover the transformative economic trends across regions and new investment opportunities. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Press Contact: Srihari Daivanayagam. Corporate Communications. P: +91 44 6681 4412. E: SANTA CLARA, Calif. –Sept. 7, 2021– As the world economy rebounds from the deep economic contraction in 2020, industrial recovery is expected to move in tandem with the global economic growth.

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Announcing the Thinkers50 2021 Innovation Award Shortlist

Thinkers 50

Nominations are in for the Thinkers50 Distinguished Achievement Awards for 2021. Over the course of the next several weeks, we will be highlighting the shortlisted nominees and their achievements. This week, we are sharing with you the 2021 shortlisted nominees for the Thinkers50 Innovation Award, in partnership with Fujitsu. 1: Scott Anthony, Paul Cobban, Natalie Painchaud & Andy Parker.

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5 Co-Sell Tips To Grow Your Business


What’s the best way to grow your business? Whether you’re in a small business or a global enterprise, these tips work.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Complimentary access! SiriusDecisions Channel Sales Strategies Research Brief: Attracting Sales Talent – Targeting High Performers


Within b-to-b sales organizations, sales enablement plays a critical role in preparing new salespeople for success. But even before sales onboarding can begin, the enablement function must help find and engage top talent. This week, we share a SiriusDecisions Research Brief that takes a closer look at the four steps that must be completed during the target stage of the Sales Talent Recruitment.

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Report Generation

ClearPoint Strategy

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Strategy reporting is essential to the success of your business. You can have a well-thought-out, perfectly crafted strategy that lays out detailed plans for future growth, but without doing periodic reporting, you’ll have a much more difficult time achieving your goals. That’s because reporting empowers your organization to do several things that are integral to strategy execution: It allows you to assess the organization’s overall performance , as

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Is a Multi-generational Workforce an Advantage or a Threat?

TRG Blog

Our current workforce is being filled with young fresh graduates, individuals that belong to a completely new generation, Generation Z (Gen Z). But did you know, including Gen Z, we are having four vastly different generations working under one roof? The gaping diversity in age, experiences, skill sets, technological understanding, and behaviours have definitely contributed to the already complex HR landscape we are facing today.

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The Most Effective Employee Retention Strategies You’re Probably Not Doing

ITA Group

The Most Effective Employee Retention Strategies You’re Probably Not Doing. A new wave of hiring is here as pandemic restrictions fluctuate across the country and businesses ramp up production and services to meet rising demand. But many recruiters are struggling to find the talent they need due to significant labor shortages that affect filling both new jobs and back-fill positions.

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How to Measure the ROI of IT Operations

IT is viewed as a cost center by organizations. In troubling economic times, this puts intense pressure on IT to demonstrate value for IT investments. Register for this webinar to learn how to quantify the intrinsic benefits of IT using analytics.

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Five Lessons From Xiaomi’s Path to Smartphone Supremacy

INSEAD Knowledge

Xiaomi’s leadership team idolised Steve Jobs. Now, it seems the student has become the master.

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Local Government Annual Budget Process: Step-By-Step Guide

ClearPoint Strategy

Technically, a budget is simply a spending plan, forecasting the estimated revenue and expenses for a local government over a specified future period. But in reality, it’s so much more than that. Good financial management is key to realizing an individual community’s vision, and the budget is among the primary tools guiding that pursuit. Not only does it help maintain financial accountability for local leaders, but it also represents plans for the future of the community at large.

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Increased Security Needs and Remote Work Spur Asia-Pacific Network Security Market Growth

Frost & Sullivan

With remote work becoming more popular, the secure remote access segment is expected to maintain its strong growth momentum, finds Frost & Sullivan. Santa Clara, Calif. – Sept. 8, 2021– Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis of the Asia-Pacific (APAC) network security (NWS) market finds that the increasing acceptance of remote work and adoption of cloud, the remote workplace, collaboration, and security are driving growth.