Sat.Dec 11, 2021 - Fri.Dec 17, 2021

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Measure Alliance Performance

Peter Simoons

Tip 25: Measure Alliance Performance on Leading Indicators. Once you’ve got your alliance or partnership formed and running, how then do you determine if your endeavor is headed towards success or not? Do you measure the success of your alliance or partnership based on the revenue it generates, or do you consider other factors showing its success?

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The Hidden Cost of Solar Energy

INSEAD Knowledge

The current recycling capacity for solar panels can’t cope with an influx of customers prematurely discarding their existing panels for cheaper, more efficient models.

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Measurable Metrics for Your PR Team

COO Alliance

Commonly, the typical PR person likes to write press releases, post them out to newswires, and say a little prayer that your company’s stories will be lucky enough to get in the media. It’s not surprising that’s the preferred method of many PR teams. It’s the path of least resistance. Your PR team doesn’t have to talk to anyone and can, instead, stay hidden safely behind a desk.

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Aruba Earns Accolades from Frost & Sullivan for Enabling Security Policy Enforcement and Optimizing Cloud Connectivity with Its EdgeConnect SD-WAN Edge Platform

Frost & Sullivan

SAN ANTONIO, TX. – December 15, 2021– Based on its recent analysis of the global SD-WAN vendor market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company , with the 2021 Global SD-WAN Vendor Competitive Strategy Leadership Award. Through its solutions, Aruba enables security policy enforcement and optimizes cloud connectivity.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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TRG Research - Get the insights you and your business needs

TRG Blog

Back in 2017, our TRG Talent team conducted extensive research across different countries to acquire insights into how management and leadership styles vary from one region to another.


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Leading Climate Strategy From the Board

INSEAD Knowledge

Many boards fail to walk the talk when it comes to fighting climate change. Here are some straightforward solutions for directors.

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Increasing Automated Safety Requirements Highlight Need for Robust Regulatory Framework for Autonomous Vehicles

Frost & Sullivan

SAN ANTONIO – Dec. 13, 2021– Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis of the global autonomous vehicles (AVs) regulatory landscape finds that increasing automated safety requirements necessitate a robust regulatory framework for AVs. Initiatives by advanced nations such as Germany, which regulated consumer use of Level 3 (L3) low-speed autonomous lane-keeping systems (ALKS), and Japan, which regulated consumer deployment of L3 vehicles and regulatory bodies such as the United Nations Economi

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Infor’s Cloud Innovations Recognised at 2021 AWS re:Invent Conference

TRG Blog

This year’s re:Invent (29 Nov – 3 Dec) marks the 10th anniversary of AWS’ annual customer conference, where breakthroughs and successes in cloud technologies are celebrated. And it is only appropriate that Infor is honoured at this event for their tireless innovation in SaaS enterprise software solutions with the AWS Industry Solution Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner of the Year Award.

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Creating positive lead experiences throughout the sales cycle


Sun Tzu once said, “If you know yourself and you know your enemy, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”. . Sales and marketing professionals have a similar mantra: “if you know yourself and you know your prospects, you need not fear the result of a hundred outreach touchpoints.” . In a channel network, this is easier said than done. A channel manager has to work across different organizations.

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Maximize Productivity and Simplify IT Management with Conversational AI

ChatGPT has dominated boardroom conversations for months now. From drafting a stock trading program, to creating a SQL query to model data, there are practically no limits to the applications of the AI language model assistant. At ManageEngine, we have been working on our own AI-assistant, Zia. Zia is a fully-trained analytics assistant that can perform a range of functions such as creating and adding reports to dashboards, providing conversational support to data analysis, insight discovery, bu

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Top Cloud & Application Migration Tools 2022

Channel Insider

Cloud migrations are expensive undertakings, with the average server costing between $1,000 and $3,000 to move. And complicated migrations can cost up to $15,000 per server. MSPs looking to add cloud migrations to their list of services need a way to cut down on that cost to be competitive. Cloud and application migration tools can help MSPs lower costs while also improving the migration experience for their clients.

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Electric Corner Modules Show Potential to Integrate Powertrain, Suspension, and Steering Systems in Autonomous Vehicles

Frost & Sullivan

SAN ANTONIO – Dec. 16, 2021– Automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are expected to replace powertrain suspension and steering systems with electric corner modules (ECMs) as the demand for purpose-built vehicles increases. This will lower initial investments and reduce the time to market. As ECMs enable greater flexibility through increasing modularity and reusability, OEMs can efficiently use available space and reduce the lead time for new models.

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The Best Ideas to Engage and Retain Talent I Heard at NAHRES 2021

ITA Group

The Best Ideas to Engage and Retain Talent I Heard at NAHRES 2021. Last week, I attended and spoke at the North American HR Executive Summit (NAHRES) in Orlando, Florida. It was a jam-packed day-and-a-half of sessions focused on a consistent theme: attracting, engaging and retaining talent. It was inspirational to hear the creative, innovative ways employers of all sizes in all industries are making progress.

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China’s Urban Rich and the Quest For Common Prosperity

INSEAD Knowledge

The key to closing China’s income gap lies in education and bolstering the ranks of its professionals, the meteoric rise of its urban elites in recent decades suggests.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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The Channel Gets Serious About Being Taken Seriously

Channel Insider

It may be because so many have deep roots in product resale, but the sad fact is that many customers see channel technologists, technicians, consultants, engineers and such as little more than glorified computer hobbyists. Not all customers, certainly, and not all channel partners, but enough that it poses a challenge to any credible firm through no fault of their own to maintain that credibility.

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5 influencer marketing mistakes to avoid in 2022


Estimated reading time: 7 minutes. You may be familiar with some of the things you should do when it comes to influencer marketing , such as having an always-on strategy or adopting a data-driven approach. Yet there are still lots of influencer marketing mistakes that brands and influencers alike can make which will hinder the effectiveness of your campaigns.

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5 Channel Trends & Program Impact Predictions for 2022

ITA Group

5 Channel Trends & Program Impact Predictions for 2022. Changing buyer needs and customer preferences. Evolving partner business models. Growing competition for partner mindshare. All contribute to a tremendous shift across indirect channel programs. Leaders need to ensure their program strategy, incentives, processes, engagement efforts and systems are evolving to meet the demands of indirect partner organizations.

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AWS re:Invent 2021: Your Partner Highlight Reel

From seeing former colleagues, to reuniting with coworkers and customers, the energy at AWS re:Invent 2021 was at an all time high despite the reduced capacity due to Covid compared to the last in-person AWS re:Invent back in 2019. It comes as no surprise that AWS released a slew of exciting new features and enhancements to AWS services that will help builders, buyers, sellers, and partners innovate as we move forward into 2022.

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The Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future

Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Over two-thirds of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold sellers to a high standard, and that means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver.

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Top Channel Incentive Management Software of 2022

Channel Insider

There are many considerations and tools for building an indirect sales program, but perhaps nothing more important than the incentives that motivate partners and drive sales performance. With channel incentive management (CIM) software, organizations can establish and optimize rewards, rebates, promotions, and marketing programs to do just that. Channel incentive management software helps IT vendors and other channel program operators take a strategic approach to deploying incentives in a growin

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Attrition in AI: What Can Your Organization Do About It?

Partnership on AI

Share. Our Blog. /. Blog. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Attrition in AI: What Can Your Organization Do About It? Jeffrey Brown. December 16, 2021. Content Wrapper. Click here to start editing. -->. The post Attrition in AI: What Can Your Organization Do About It? appeared first on Partnership on AI.

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Event Analytics

ITA Group

Event Analytics. aschuman. Thu, 12/16/2021 - 14:36. Show the True Impact of Your Event With Analytics. Data lives everywhere these days. Mobile apps. Surveys. Polling. Registration sites. Virtual platforms. CRM systems. And more. Much more. So why does it feel so hard to measure your event’s success? Well, it shouldn’t. Our team of data experts help you simplify data into meaningful insights so you can make confident decisions, increase event impact on business objectives and create a personaliz

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Impartner Announces 6th Annual Global Awards


Impartner earns highest market position among top 13 global vendors based on over 100,000 data points from 1,500 manager surveys, analyst opinions and vendor evaluations. The post Impartner Announces 6th Annual Global Awards appeared first on Impartner PRM.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Best Incident Response Services for SMBs

Channel Insider

Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) these days must worry about what horrors await them each day as they log into their networks. Unfortunately, hackers are targeting the basic applications that many SMBs rely on, making third-party risk , ransomware and the latest bugs like Apache Log4j all risks that small businesses have had to become a lot more familiar with.

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AWS re:Invent 2021: Your Partner Highlight Reel

From seeing former colleagues, to reuniting with coworkers and customers, the energy at AWS re:Invent 2021 was at an all time high despite the reduced capacity due to Covid compared to the last in-person AWS re:Invent back in 2019. It comes as no surprise that AWS released a slew of exciting new features and enhancements to AWS services that will help builders, buyers, sellers, and partners innovate as we move forward into 2022.

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ePropelled Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Increasing the Efficiency of Electric Motors and Enabling Zero-Emission Mobility With Its Dynamic Torque Switching System

Frost & Sullivan

SAN ANTONIO, TX. – December 16, 2021 – Recently, Frost & Sullivan assessed the North American automotive electric motor industry and, based on its analysis, recognizes ePropelled with the 2021 North American Automotive Electric Motor Product Leadership Award. The company’s eDTS system includes a highly efficient electric motor that makes it possible to reduce battery size and lower the cost of electric vehicle (EV) manufacture while keeping the same driving range. ePropelled’s Dynamic Torqu

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Employee Retention Credits Eliminated

PSMJ Resources Blog

This message is brought to you by our partners at Gray, Gray & Gray. “By giving you the power to do more, we can help turn your vision of success for your business or personal financial life into reality with reliable insight, solid advice and a level of attentiveness seldom seen in business today.” Learn more.

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How to Measure the ROI of IT Operations

IT is viewed as a cost center by organizations. In troubling economic times, this puts intense pressure on IT to demonstrate value for IT investments. Register for this webinar to learn how to quantify the intrinsic benefits of IT using analytics.

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MITRE Evaluations for MSSPs and MDRs a Giant Step for the Channel

Channel Insider

The foundation behind the MITRE ATT&CK cybersecurity framework is turning its considerable expertise to helping managed security services providers (MSSPs) better understand how prepared they are to protect the systems and data of their many end customers. MITRE Engenuity recently announced that a call for participation in its ATT&CK Evaluations for MSSPs and managed detection and response (MDR) providers is open until Dec. 29.

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Get it Right: Getting More Vs. Getting Better


Over the years I have worked with small business owners, I have seen many, many companies go through growth phases and as they do, begin to lose the great things about them that made them great to work with. One of the things I loved about one of the software companies we work with is […].

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VMware Recognized by Frost & Sullivan for Consistently Leading the Global SD-WAN Market

Frost & Sullivan

SAN ANTONIO, TX – December 15, 2021 – Frost & Sullivan recently analyzed the global SD-WAN vendor industry and, based on its findings, recognizes VMWare with the 2021 Global SD-WAN Vendor Market Leadership Award. Frost & Sullivan’s research shows that VMware has consistently ranked as the leader in this market since 2017. VMware SD-WAN, a core component of VMware secure access service edge (SASE), is delivered as a service across over 150 global points of presence (PoPs) deployed b